Video Review
Key Concept Summary
TA Summary
The supercontinent that broke up at the start of the Mesozoic Era to form the continents we have today.
The theory that the ocean floor widens as the mid-ocean ridge separates.
An extinct group of seed plants that arose during the Permian through the Triassic Period.
Magnetism preserved or fossilized in rocks. It can often tell us about changes in the orientation of rock bodies after their formation.
The study of ancient life preserved as fossils in the rocks.
The orientations of major geologic features such as mountain belts, continental shields, stable platforms, and areas of folded and deformed rocks.
An ocean island that has no remaining central volcanic edifice, but exists only as a coral reef almost completely at or below sea level.
A curved line of volcanic islands all (or almost all) of which contain active volcanoes
A straight line of islands of volcanic origin where only the largest island contains an active volcano.
A line of underwater volcanic vents that marks a diverging plate boundary.
When two continents collide, the denser continent is subducted.
Faults like the San Andreas form when two continents diverge.
Pangaea was the first and only time all of the continents have been together.
Island arcs colliding together form into continents over time.
Scientists widely accepted the theory of continental drift when Wegener proposed it.
Opposition to scientific theories can make theories more concrete.
All questions about the breakup of Pangaea have been answered.
Basalt can lose its magnetic orientation if it is heated above the Curie temperature.
Guyots are rounded seamounts found on the ocean floor.
The geometric fit of the continents is seen by matching the continents'
The magnetic "stripes" on the seafloor are explained by which of the following ideas?
Plate boundaries are clearly indicated by the location of which of the following?
An example of a transform boundary is which of the following?
Divergent plate boundaries may occur in which of the following?
The occurrences of the Glossopteris flora in Permian rocks of South America, Africa, Antarctica, India, and Australia is evidence that:
Which of the following is not evidence for continental drift?
The alternating stripes of strong and weak magnetism found in rocks of the seafloor
Convergent plate boundaries do not involve
Among the following choices, an earthquake would least likely occur
In the figure below the magnetic field of the basalt on either side of a mid-ocean ridge is indicated with shading. The light areas have magnetic fields that point north, and the dark areas have magnetic fields that point south. These patterns were important in evidence that helped develop the plate tectonic model. Why?
The least amount of plate tectonic activity would be found in which of these locations?
How does a study of earthquakes and seismic waves provide evidence in favor of the plate tectonic theory?
A converging plate margin bisects the Mediterranean Sea. What will be the probable outcome of this situation?
Which of the following features are most commonly associated with converging plate boundaries between two continental plates?
How does the plate tectonic model account for the movement of continents?
A divergent plate margin runs through the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. What happens to the Atlantic as a result of the presence of this diverging plate boundary?
The picture below shows the plates. The Andes mountain range is found on the west coast of South America. What direction is the Nazca plate moving assuming that the South American Plate is stationary?
Why does a transform boundary typically form?
Which of the following data does NOT play a major role in the evidence for the plate tectonic theory?