Chapter 32 Review

Video Review

Key Concept Summary

TA Summary


Groups of billions of stars.
A model of the solar system where the Earth is at the center.
Massive gas planets.
Extraterrestrial materials that enter Earth's atmosphere.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.
Method that can only measure distance to planets in our solar system.
Considered the better model of our solar system because of Occam's razor.
Method to measure distance using fundamental principles of geometry.


Radar and laser ranging can measure distances to the outer reaches of the Galaxy.
Earth's gravitational pull makes the same side of the Moon face Earth.
The Moon's tectonic system causes small moonquakes to occur.
Astronauts' rock samples from the Moon showed that the Moon was made of the same types of rock that are common on the surface of the Earth.
The Jovian worlds are much more massive than the terrestrial worlds.
The appearance of the moon is uniform across the entire surface of the moon.
Neptune is considered a terrestrial world.
Eratosthenes measured Earth's circumference using shadows that the Sun cast.


What would be the best method to determine the distance to Mars?
Which of the following are true of the Jovian planets?
Which of the following lists represents the terrestrial planets?
The outer planets are much more massive and much lower density than the inner planets. What conditions in the disk of gas and dust that surrounded the protostar that became the sun led to the difference between the Jovian and Terrestrial planets?
What would be the best method to determine the distance to Proxima Centauri, the star nearest to our sun, at a distance of 4.3 light years away?
Which is a characteristic of the Jovian worlds?
How does the density of Mercury compare to that of Earth?
Which of the following is not a characteristic of ALL the terrestrial worlds?
Which of the following is not a difference between Pluto and the eight classical planets?
Which of the following provides evidence that the surface of the moon was molten at one time?
Radar and laser ranging can measure distance for all of the following except:
Which of the following is mentioned as distorting triangulation from the Earth's surface?
The distances to the nearest 100,000 or so stars can be measured by which of the following techniques?
Which of the following methods is NOT used to measure distances between objects in our own solar system?
Which of the following is the current theory about how our solar system formed?

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